Roy Rolstad

Roy Rolstad is a 6th. Degree in ITF Taekwon-Do, he started his martial arts training as an 11-year-old in 1983. 
After ten years with different styles, he found a mentor in Per Andresen at the Trondheim Taekwon-Do club. He has considered himself as his student since then. 
He has always enjoyed cross-training in different styles of martial arts and his main style is ITF Taekwon-Do.

An important part of his journey is attending martial arts camps and seminars all over the world to meet and 
learn from different people. He will always be a student, and the best way to learn is to teach and help others.
It is a privilege for him to have the opportunity to serve as a Taekwon-Do instructor and develop together with his fellow students of the martial arts.
In his professional life, Roy works at a high-security prison and has done this for 20 years. He has run the program for anger management for violent offenders for many years, working at the psychiatric wing. He is also a trainer and examiner in the use of force, security strategies, and self-protection for the prison staff. He has also been teaching those subjects at the University College of Norwegian Correctional Service for many years.
In 2012, Roy teamed up with his friend Robert Boer and started the ITF Radix project. They have had so much fun with this project and met so many wonderful people through this journey.
He is proud to be the responsible course teacher and developer of Instructor course nr. 6, for National Taekwon-Do Norway.

The course subject is self-defense for Taekwon-Do athletes and consists mainly of ITF Radix philosophy and methodology. This course is mandatory for everyone applying for 3rd. Degree black belt in NTN. This gives him a unique chance to develop as a person and martial artist.