Master Robert Boer Gabriella

Robert Boer

I’m a 7th degree Master Instructor in ITF Taekwon-Do. I have been a student of the martial arts since 1977 when I started ITF Taekwon-Do under Len Johnson. Instantly hooked, I had found my way. Over the years I played around with the things I learned, looked into other systems and I was always interested in new and different approaches. The field of martial arts is evolving, innovating, and shifting shape. Change is inevitable. To progress we have to dare ask questions, doubt our convictions, and try new things. But we also have to look at what we already know from new perspectives. I found a fellow traveler in Roy Rolstad, who thinks alike. Together we initiated the Radix-project.

In the ITF, I had the honour to be headcoach and teammanager of the National Team of I.T.F. Netherlands from 2005 to 2011. After that, between 2012 and 2021, I was president and board member of I.T.F. Netherlands, working together great people.

Since 1995, I have been training and advising teams of professionals in conflict management, non-violent communication and team communication, support, policies and aftercare concerning violent and agressive behaviour. I have trained and treated hundreds of violent offenders in both open and closed (treatment) settings. I was a trainer for the police academy, developed a method for dealing with violent and agressive behaviour for professionals (Wu Wei - method) and the R.E.S.P.E.C.T.- approach: Aggression-regulation and moral reasoning for adolescent offenders.

Work, life, and Taekwon-Do interconnect in many ways.