Most recent course held in Oslo.

On the 2nd and 3rd of March, a total of 19 participants successfully completed the NTN Instructor 6 course, where they were meticulously acquainted with the fundamental principles of ITF Radix.

The event took place at the Oslo East Taekwon-Do Club's dojang, with attendees from six clubs within the eastern region of NTN.

On Saturday, we delved into the theoretical aspects of self-defense and human behavior. We engaged in exercises aimed at delving into the intricacies of body mechanics as they relate to combat techniques.

On Sunday, a comprehensive session was conducted focusing on the practical applications of the ITF patterns. The training covered a range of essential skills such as techniques for releases, striking methods, joint manipulation, executing takedowns, defense against knife attacks, handling sticks, and strategies for dealing with multiple opponents.


ITF Radix in Bergen