Largest IIC in Europe

Wow, the IIC in Vienna from November 17th to 19th, 2023 was absolutely amazing! Can you believe it? There were over 500 athletes from 33 countries, making it the biggest IIC in Europe ever!

It was such an incredible experience for us because it was the first time we brought our kids along. We tried to prepare them for what was to come, letting them know that there would be a lot of sitting and talking. They're used to attending big TKD events in Norway, but having 500 black belts all in one place is definitely not an everyday occurrence. It was truly something special!

But going to a IIC is not just about the trainIng. It's also about being sosial and enjoying the place you're at.

In total we were seven from our club, Oslo East Taekwon-Do club. And another 100 from NTN. Actually it almost felt like a NTN Summer Camp with all those Norwegians all over the place. Walking around the Christmas market in Vienna with Norwegians popping up everywhere.

As you can see by the pictures we had a good time in Vienna.


Exiting seminar coming up in Oslo


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